Eltro Cyberchrome Private Limited
Thymaravumkara West
Othera P.O, Thiruvalla
Pathanamthitta dist
Pin 689551
Call Us : +91 99 4 66 54 888

This site is managed by Eltro Cyberchrome Private Limited
By visiting the www.cyberchrome.in as a visitor or user, I agree with the privacy & policy, terms, and conditions, refund policy of cyberchrome.

Dear Visitors ,

Cyberchrome mainly focusing on the client's satisfaction and comfort. So we are given our supports 24/7 via telephone since 27 March 2019 for paid priority clients. According to the vision and mission for smooth performance, We were registered our terms and conditions, refund policy, privacy policy. Cyberchrome has a dedicated support team to support high-medium-low level support. clients can choose the supports with their priority as high-medium-low. We are no compromise in the quality of service or product.

Customer's satisfaction and comforts are the golden feathers to touch the sky of business in the cyberworld. We will emit the waves of businesses in the cyber world with the presence of Cyberchrome. We are not selling the client's information for earnings. We collect some pieces of information for creating an account with cyberchrome for giving supports. Cyberchrome not allowing to create an account with fake information. Visitor/clients agree that you have the age of at least 18 to use our service. You have the full responsibility for keeping your accounts/ services username, passwords, back up, etc. If you create a fake account, the company will take an action against you. The amount of compensation must be paid within one week. We have the right to stop your service without informing you for a certain time or lifetime we do not refund the cost for your stopped service, and in the cause of any loss or damage for you and your business with cyberchrome/cyberchrome service, we don't have any responsibility for that issue. We have the right to replace or change our privacy policy, terms, conditions, and refund policy at any time and date. As a user, you have the responsibility to obey our updated privacy policy, terms, conditions, and refund policy. You agree that once you create an account with us, we will use that information for sending our advertisement through phone calls, emails, SMS, for marketing. After the renewal date of any service or product, we will charge Rs 3,880 for a late fee to activate the service or product. Any account Suspended for the violation such as Copyright Infringement / Spamming / Hosting Adult/Porn Contents will be incurred a Violation etc, The fee of Rs.10,000 for Reactivation of Account with additional Minimum Server maintenance fees of Rs.5000 per hour.

We have the right to change the prices of products or services at any time. Offline payment is not allowed by the company. Once you create an account with cyberchrome you must do the updations up to date. your profile details must be "original "You should avoid punishment actions from the company through creating the account with the original information. In the case of any legal officers ordered to given the information about you in a special situation, we have the responsibility to submit your information, so we are recommending updating your details. Our client area is using to give supports and other activities. By creating an account with cyberchrome you agree that you are given permission to changes the prices of services or products at any time. We are giving live chat & ticket support as free,at any time we can change the all free base support. Once you transfer payment to cyberchrome it is not refundable. You can use that's payment for any other service with us within one year. After one year you can't use it for further service. Mainly we are using email for sending notifications of renewal products or services so you have the responsibility to check mails avoiding service or product disconnection/support etc. Any issue or suggestion of our services, To inform us, you can make a ticket in our client area. If any mistakes or issues from the company side you can also make a ticket for that as a complaint or suggestion, but if you are not ready to pointing that issue via ticket within one week, we have not responsible for solving them. The company is not responsible for any content posted using the company's hosting. The Company will never assume its responsibility. Thus, in case of any legal issue, the company will levy a fine on the user.

Cyberchrome Team